Welcome to

The OpsZone

This is a place for YOU, our Scotty Members and Springboarders. Have a good look round and hit the Get In Touch button to let us know what you think.

OpsZone Briefing

We want to make sure you are safe whilst online and using the Scotty’s OpsZone. Our website is only for Scotty’s Members and Springboarders. So, it is important we explain a few rules to help make sure everyone feels comfortable using the site. 

  1. Be respectful to everyone using the OpsZone. Treat others how you would like to be treated.

  2. Please do not give out the website address or any links to anyone who is not connected to Scotty’s.

  3. You will not be asked to share your personal information such as your address, telephone number, parents’ details, as we already have a lot of that information on our files. The Scotty’s Team will keep any information we receive from you secure. You can find out more if you look at our Privacy Statement

  4. Please tell a trusted adult right away if you come across something on the OpsZone that makes you feel uncomfortable.

  5. Please tell an adult if you are intending to send pictures/videos of yourself or others online. If you are unsure whether you should send them, then check with someone before you do. Please do not send any pictures that your parent/carer or the Scotty’s adults may consider inappropriate.

  6. Please do not share any Members or Springboarders stories with anyone outside the Scotty community. We ask that you keep other people’s information private so everyone will feel comfortable to share with each other.

  7. It is okay to share the OpsZone content with your parent/carer if you wish to but remember the site is for children and young people.

  8. And don’t forget, never agree to get together with someone you “meet” online without first checking with a parent/carer. If they agree to the meeting, then make sure that it is in a public place and take an adult along.

Meet the Families Team


Hi, I'm Mark and I am the Child and Young person support worker here at Scotty’s. My role is to promote positive emotional health and wellbeing support. This can be through 1:1 sessions or through working in groups.


Hi, I’m Charlie, and my job is to help support your parents and carers. I can provide them with a listening ear, help to signpost them to appropriate services and offer a range of resources. I also run our parent and carer online group sessions too.


Hello I’m Emma. My role is to make sure that throughout your education journey, Scotty's are providing you with the very best resources, support and information. This includes working with all our fabulous Year Groups. I am also responsible for processing and managing the grants process.


Hi, I'm Hayley and I am the info desk, the hub, the first point of contact, the helper, the fixer, and the Alexa to your parents and carers. I also select the gifts and vouchers you receive and make sure everything arrives safety.


Hi, I’m Lorna and my role at Scotty’s is to make sure your voices are heard. I work on a wide range of different projects but my favourite has to be running the Scotty Council. I also help to promote the charity externally to other bereavement support organisations and explore exciting ways that we can work in partnership with them to help us fulfil our mission.


Hello, I’m Nikki and I am the Founder of the charity and I have made it my mission in life to ensure that all bereaved military children & young people like yourself, have access to the support they need. I will continue to campaign to make sure your sacrifices are never forgotten.

Here When You Need Us

Monday – Friday 10am-4pm

Email: [email protected] or [email protected]

Mobile (For Springboarders only): 07435 799017