
Welcome to STRIDES

At Scotty’s, we know that when a parent dies it can affect every area of your life including your education. It can also put a real strain on your development so the STRIDES programme exists to support you at school, college or work (depending on how old you are) and to provide you with opportunities to encourage you to achieve and succeed.

The Strides Programme includes:

Gemma's Story

(Name has been changed for confidentiality)

Gemma was just about to move from primary school to a much larger secondary school in her local town. She was really worried, and it made her miss her dad a lot. He had died the year before after a long illness. She didn’t know how to talk to her mum or teachers about how she was feeling. One day, she received a Transition Year Group pack in the post from Scotty’s and things started to change. 

Inside the pack was a T-shirt and a workbook which had lots of useful information about how to cope with a change in schools. She joined one of the organised online Year Group sessions where she met up with the Scotty’s Team and a few other Scotty Members her own age. It felt really awkward at first, but Gemma soon started to relax when she realised that everyone was feeling nervous. During the session, the Scotty Team talked to Gemma and the others about their worries and hopes for starting at secondary school. Gemma's biggest concern was having to make new friends and having to explain that her dad had died all over again. The Scotty team were brilliant and provided tips and reassurance. They helped Gemma to feel more in control of her own story and gave her confidence which helped massively.  

Gemma received the Scotty’s New School Grant to help pay for her new uniform and also applied to use the annual Scotty’s Allowance on joining the after-school athletics club. She made some friends in her new school, which helped with how she was feeling. She also made friends during the online sessions with Scotty’s, and she really enjoyed meeting everyone in person at the Christmas event that year. She attended with her older sister Grace, who was just getting ready to take her GCSE exams. Scotty’s also helped Grace with grants and information about coping with exam revision and stress.

The STRIDES programme meant that both sisters were helped with their education and personal development.    

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What is Standby?

Our brand new Standby – Military Bereavement in Education project! We know that lots of our Scotty Members and Springboarders can find school or university a challenging place for coping with their bereavement, so we've made a three year commitment to providing resources and guidance so that you can feel sensitively supported in your education. No young person should be disadvantaged because of their bereavement.


The Scotty Allowance

The Scotty Allowance (For Scotty Members Only) is available to all registered Scotty Members.  No age restrictions.  

It is an annual grant of £150.00 per member to be used to cover or contribute toward the cost of educational activities or activities to help increase members social and emotional development.  For example; dance lessons, swimming lessons, extra tuition, music lessons, school trips. 

The allowance begins on the 1st January and ends on the 31st December.   

The allowance does not roll over to the following year.  

To Apply:  Ask your parent or carer to apply via the Families Zone.

Apply Here

The Springboard Allowance

The Springboard Allowance (For Springboarders Only) is available to all registered Springboarders (18-25yrs).   

It is an annual grant of £100.00 per Springboarder to support, improving emotional health and well-being, gaining confidence and self esteem and increasing social development.  For example; gym membership, clothes for an interview, art lessons, music lessons etc. 

The allowance begins on the 1st January and ends on the 31st December.   

The allowance does not roll over to the following year.

Apply Here

The New School Grant

Scotty's New School Grant (For Scotty Members Only) is an annual grant of £50.00 per member to be used to cover or contribute toward the cost of educational materials or uniform to help members make a great first impression and have the right equipment for starting a new school.   

The grant can be used to cover or contribute toward the cost of educational materials or uniform for example, school books, towards the cost of uniform or sports kit, new school shoes, stationary etc.

To Apply:  Ask your parent or carer to apply via the Families Zone.

Apply Here

Higher Education & Training Grant

This grant (For Springboarders Only)  is available to all registered Springboarders who may need additional support with their education and training costs.    

This is a one-off grant of up to the maximum value £1,000.00, to be used to cover or contribute toward:  higher education tuition fees, student accommodation, purchase of books or a laptop or other equipment directly related to the course enrolled on. 

Apply Here

Scotty’s Driving School Grant

Available to all registered Scotty Members & Springboarders aged 17 years and above.   

It is a one-off grant of £100.00 and can be used to cover or contribute toward the cost of driving lessons at a professionally certified driving school.  

The Driving School/Instructor will be selected by the Scotty family and the booking of lessons is also the responsibility of the family.  

To Apply:  

Scotty Members: Ask your parent or carer to apply via the Families Zone.

Springboarders Apply Here

Scotty’s Super Grant

Scotty’s Super Grant is available to all Scotty Members (0-18) and Springboarders (18-25).  There are no age restrictions, but it can only be used once.

It is a one-off payment of £1,000 and must be used to cover or contribute towards a significant once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.  By a ‘significant once-in-a-lifetime’ opportunity we mean something they will never get to do again, a life-changing experience.

For example, one Super Grant we have approved was to help fund a trip for a Member to go on an 8-week trip to Indonesia.  The Scotty Member supported the anti-deforestation movement and rescued orangutans. They kept a diary and video documentation throughout their trip and presented this to Scotty’s trustees upon their return.

When applying for Scotty’s Super Grant, you need to be able to provide an in-depth description of what you would gain from the experience, both personally and emotionally. Explain why this would be life changing and why is it something you would never have the opportunity to do again.

It is then expected for you present your application to the board of trustees.  The trustees will want to know what life skills you are hoping to gain from the experience, as well as how it will benefit you in the future.  You will also be asked how you will measure your progress.

It’s a great grant but one that needs a lot of thought taken before applying.  It’s key to remember you can only use this once.  If you use it at the age of 10, you won’t ever be able to apply for it again.

To Apply:

Scotty Members: Ask your parent or carer to apply via the Families Zone.

Springboarders Apply Here

STRIDES resources