Adventure Day

Did you miss out on Scotty's first Adventure Day? Check out this page to find out more about the day and watch our official Scotty's video of the event. You can also watch a video diary from Springboarder Beth who volunteered to help out. We'd love you to join us for future events so keep an eye on the OpsZone for updates.

An Action-Packed Day for our Scotty Members

Scotty's were so excited to welcome 34 Scotty Members for our first Adventure Day. It was a jam-packed day of fun and challenging military-themed activities.

The night before our Adventure Day, the members were split into teams and watched a special video from Channel 4’s SAS: Who Dares Wins, Mark ‘Billy’ Billingham. The former SAS Soldier told them they would have a series of top-secret missions to complete over the next 24 hours. Before the first activity could begin, the members were intercepted by the military police who arrived in a police car with sirens blazing! They handed over a briefcase with further instructions for the missions the following day.

The rest of the evening was spent around the campfire, where the members had the opportunity to get to know each other and make friends. They talked openly about their experiences of bereavement and had the opportunity to remember their hero.

Watch our official Adventure Day Video:

What happened at Adventure Day?

Our Scotty members took on missions themed around the RAF, Navy, Army, Special Forces and Reservists. These were hosted by Commando Joe's, who you might remember from our last Christmas Party.

Activities included raft-building, zip-lining, climbing and many more. They encouraged our Scotty members to work together and helped to build their confidence. Each mission was introduced by a video from former SAS Soldier Billy Billingham and was designed to challenge those taking part.

All members who attended this year were at secondary school. Scotty's also welcomed two Springboarders (aged 18-25) who volunteered to meet and get to know our younger members. Scroll down to find out how our younger members enjoyed the day, and watch a video diary from Springboarder, Beth.

Springboarder Beth talks about Adventure Day

22-year-old Springboarder Bethan Coomber has been a member of Scotty’s for over 11 years, following the death of her dad, WO2 David Coomber, when she was just 9 years old.

She said: “I wanted to volunteer at the Adventure Day to give something back to Scotty’s, as they’ve done so much for me and my brother throughout our childhood. I wanted to spend time with the Scotty Members, as I know how it feels to be their age and to be experiencing grief. 

My highlight of the Adventure Day was the zip line. I personally enjoyed it, and I liked seeing the members that were nervous talking it through and helping each other. It was also really nice that sometimes, the children brought up their parent, without even realising. They’d saying things like, ‘my dad taught me this knot’, or ‘I’m going to climb the wall today to represent the height of my dad’, which was really heartwarming.”  

Watch Beth's Video Diary from Adventure Day