The Scotty’s Council

Here's everything you need to know about our Scotty's Council and how you can get involved.

Scotty’s Council: What is it?

Scotty’s Council provides a voice for Bereaved Forces Children, Young People and Young Adults.  The Council is massively important in helping to shape who we are and what we do.


Although we do try and make being on the Scotty’s Council fun, it is also serious role.  We need to hear the Council members voices, their stories and their ideas.  We also need them to represent Scotty’s in public, to the press, and in front of powerful people because it is important that the world hears from our young people too. 

We have one Council – The Scotty’s Council, although sometimes we might meet by age group.

The Council have online meetings throughout the year.  At least 4 ‘all hands-on deck’ online meetings a year, but sometimes more.  

We try and organise a few opportunities to get together ‘in person’ throughout the year.  For example, in 2024 (though we can never promise this is typical – there is no normal at Scotty’s!!) we organised a trip to no 10 Downing Street to talk about issues at school followed by a meal in London and a trip to London to meet with Prince Harry and share experiences as bereaved children (complete with party games).  We also organised a trip to the rolling hills of Oxfordshire to raise money for Scotty’s and have a bit of a walk and talk as part of the annual Scotty’s March fundraising event.  

In addition to meeting online and meeting up together, the Council members volunteer to do important work for Scotty’s.  In 2024, the council:

- Wrote to the Department for Education outlining the problems in school and the changes that can be made.

- Attended an All-Party Parliamentary Group in London to ensure that the voices of bereaved children are heard by policymakers.

- Worked with Scotty’s research team to build evidence about our sector.

- Wrote scripts and storyboards for an animation to teach the public about the issues in schools.  They also worked with the animation company to decide the style and format of the animations.

- Were interviewed on national television and national radio to raise awareness for bereaved children


Expenses for Council trips (travel, food and accommodation are normally covered by Scotty’s). Where a Council member is under 18, we will also pay the travel and accommodation for one parent or caregiver to accompany the member.

Criteria To Join:

  • Be the right age.  If you are under 12 your time will come!
  • Have a willingness to give up your time to help lead Scotty’s.  That means sharing your opinions, ideas and volunteering to help with projects where you can.
  • Have a genuine respect for your peers.  As a Council member you will be representing all our members, so it is important that you can listen to other children and young people with compassion and respect confidentiality, and that you want to use your position on the Council for the good of all.  With great power comes great responsibility!
  • Telling your story: Being on the Council means telling your story.  And listening to the stories from other bereaved children. Before joining the Council, Scotty’s SUPPORT team will need to meet with you for a chat.  They will need to feel that being on the Council and the work that entails will not be harmful to you, and that you are ready.  If they have concerns, they will talk to you about them and try to work out a plan to help you develop so that you can join the Council when you are ready.

Scotty’s Pledge:


We recognise that different Council members (and members here covers Springboarders too) have different interests and different skills.  We want to make sure Council members spend their time doing what they love and what they do best so when we want input from the Council (for example to attend an event, write a script, be on the news) we will ask the group for volunteers or approach those members who currently have the right skills for the particular task.  There is no expectation for everyone to want to do everything! 



Sometimes we all need a little help, and we strongly encourage lifelong learning. So sometimes you might be offered training to help you become an even stronger leader.  This might be media training to help you give powerful interviews whilst protecting your boundaries, or presentation skills training to help you convince a room full of politicians to change the support offered to bereaved children.  If we know that you would like to volunteer in a particular role for the Council, but we aren’t sure you are quite ready, or if it’s the wrong time for you at the moment, we will try and support your development so that you can take that kind of role on in the future.  We will always try and do what’s right for you and what’s right for Scotty’s.



We recognise that sometimes life (whether that is school, work or your homelife, mental or physical health) might mean you need to step away from the Council for a while.  That’s fine. Just tell us.  And it doesn’t mean you have to give up your place. If you need to step away for a month, six months, even a year, your spot will always be there for you when you are ready again.

As part of our commitment to your wellbeing, we ask that all new members joining the council talk to our SUPPORT team to make sure that joining the Council is right for them. 

After that you will all have regular check ins with the SUPPORT team to make sure you are still in a good place (and remember you can take a break whenever you need, and your place will always be here for you).



We recognise that Council members have busy lives, and sometimes their lives are complicated, especially dealing with grief.  Council members bring valuable expertise to Scotty’s so you will be recognised for each year you choose to stay on the Council and help shape Scotty’s future, even if you need to take some time out now and again.



You are the experts on children who have experienced the death of a parent who served. Your opinions, your ideas and your voice IS crucial to leading Scotty’s.  We will provide you with the support, tools and training you need.  But when we ask for your help, it is not tokenistic, your answers will shape what we do…and whenever we can, we will pass as much decision making as possible over to you. 

How to join:

·      Scotty’s does not have a limit on the number of people who can join the Council.  So, you can apply anytime, if you are interested in joining the Council, please contact [email protected]. (Parents/Carers NOTE: We ask that the child applies for themselves – although with your encouragement is fine! Once we have an application from someone under 18, we will contact you to check you are okay with it too- and let you know what being a parent/carer of a Council member might entail!).

·      We will send you a link to complete our Joining Form so that we can understand more about you- your interests, your experiences, your skills, your likes and dislikes.  There are no wrong answers it just helps us know the kind of work you might be most interested in!

·       Scotty’s will then arrange for you to chat to our SUPPORT team.  This is so important as being on the Council means telling your story.  And listening to the stories from other bereaved children. The Scotty’s SUPPORT team will need to meet with you for a chat.  They will need to feel that being on the Council and the work that entails will not be harmful to you, and that you are ready.  If they have concerns, they will talk to you about them and try to work out a plan to help you develop so that you can join the Council when you are ready.

·      We add you and your parent/carer (if under 18) to our Whatsapp group chat.  This is the main way we communicate as a council.