Sofia’s Story

Sofia’s dad, SSgt Christopher Chacksfield, died from head injuries when she was just three years old. Now 16, she’s an athletics champion and one day hopes to represent the UK in the Olympic Games. What an achievement! 


Athletics runs in Sofia’s family. Her grandad was a middle-distance runner, her mum was a sprinter growing up, and her dad was a trained PTI in the Armed Forces. 

“I started doing cross-country when I was around six,” she says. “I’ve tried out loads of different sports since then, but I always came back to athletics.” 

Her mum adds: “She has this natural ability and it’s just effortless for her. She won the county championship a couple of weeks ago in the 300 metres and broke the championship record, which has been in place since 2005.”   


Reaching such impressive heights at 16 requires a great deal of hard work and commitment. Sofia trains at least three times a week to ensure she stays on top form and regularly takes part in athletics competitions all around the country. 

“I’m so proud,” says her mum. “I watch her putting in all this hard work, training late and going out in horrible weather, so then seeing it all pay off is amazing. It’s bittersweet, in a way, because obviously her dad’s not here with us, but we know he’s watching everything she’s doing. It makes me very emotional sometimes.” 

“I do feel proud of myself,” Sofia says, “and it’s nice to see all the effort I'm putting in paying off. It’s a lot to fit in but I'm used to it now. I want to train as much as I can so I can compete in the Olympics one day.”


The Scotty Allowance helps Sofia and her family pay for the training she needs to reach her dreams. 

Sofia’s mum says: “Every month we pay for training, and Scotty's grants help offset the cost of that, but we could also use it to cover travel costs for competitions or entry fees. It’s a great help and I think Sofia is proof that having that little boost can go such a long way.” 

In addition to benefiting from the Scotty Allowance, Sofia has been on lots of fun Scotty Breaks with her family. 

“We’ve been on a few Scotty Breaks and they’re always great point of respite for our family,” says her mum. “It’s a chance to relax and talk about Chris while making new memories.” 


For both Sofia and her mum, however, the main benefit of Scotty’s is being able to meet other bereaved military children who can understand what they’ve been through, understand their struggles, and remind them they’re not alone. 

“It’s just nice to talk to people who are similar to you,” says Sofia. “It reminds me I’m not the only one who has gone through this stuff.”  

“It’s been a lifeline in a way,” adds her mum. “It's a chance to meet other families who have been in a similar situation, which you don’t get in normal day-to-day life. We have a whole support network made up of other Scotty families we’ve met over the years. Everyone has this mutual bond and is so supportive of each other.” 

If you would like to apply for the Scotty Allowance to help you develop your hobbies or skills or would like to read more about all the grants that Scotty’s offer just click here.